Loves and life on the Garden Route in South Africa

Through the eyes of volunteer coordinator and crazy cat lady, Sharon

Runner up in the Knysna Awards Social Media & Blog award November 12, 2013

Filed under: award,Garden Route,knysna,Social Media,South Africa,technology — shadreyer @ 9:20 am

Runner up in the Knysna Awards Social Media & Blog award

Runner up in the Knysna Awards Social Media & Blog award


Techno-cats September 30, 2012

Filed under: Cats,Persian cat,Pets,technology — shadreyer @ 5:01 am
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What is it about cats and computers? My boys are permanently trying to climb on our laptops or sit staring at the screen. Many a time we have woken up to the incessant beeping of my man’s laptop (he keeps it on his nightstand on the side of the bed) as one of our cats is sitting on the keyboard. On one particular occasion the whole screen had rotated thanks to Stormer’s (our kitten) rump on the keyboard.

But it’s not just the laptops, it’s their bags and sleeves too. If they are lying anywhere around the house one of the cats will be lying it sleeping in it. Just this morning I watched Stormer lie on my laptop sleeve. When he moved off it Mac came and lay on it. When he then moved off it Stormer came back to lay on it again. My furry boys are so techno savvy! Kids these days!!!


Stormer on the laptop sleeve


Mac on the laptop sleeve


Stormer back on the laptop sleeve after Mac vacated it!